Overarching Requirements
Only one application for a grant under the Scheme can be submitted per Australian Business Number (ABN) i.e. if an eligible business is owed multiple debts by OneSteel, a single application must be submitted for the total amount owed to that eligible business.
Whilst applications are to be submitted per ABN, for the purposes of determining grant amounts and the application of the $5 million cap, applicants will be considered as, and the cap will be applied to, an Employer Group (where relevant) within the meaning of Part 5 of the Payroll Tax Act 2009 (SA). The Treasurer or their delegate reserves the right to determine, in their reasonable opinion, whether an applicant forms part of a given employer group.
Applicants with a trade credit insurance policy are eligible to apply under this Scheme for eligible debt to the extent that amounts are not recoverable or claimable under the policy.
Any grant payments made under the Scheme will be made to an entity rather than the group and the individual recipient entity will be required to enter into grant terms and conditions.
The Treasurer or their delegate holds ultimate discretion over eligibility for this Scheme and there is no entitlement to payment under this Scheme.
Part 1: South Australian Creditor Assistance
To be eligible for a payment under Part 1 of the Scheme, the applicant must:
- be a legal entity established in Australia (a sole trader, company, partnership, not-for-profit, incorporated associations or corporate trustee of a trust). Incorporated entities must be incorporated in Australia as at 19 February 2025;
- hold an active ABN as at 19 February 2025;
- be registered for GST;
- be a South Australian Business;
- not be an excluded entity (defined below);
- be owed an eligible debt by a Designated Entity as at 19 February 2025;
- have submitted a valid and signed proof of debt form to the Administrators of the Designated Entities (with supporting evidence) (“Proof of Debt”);
- confirm their intention to continue to trade during the administration process; and
- enter into a grant agreement on terms and conditions determined by the Treasurer or their delegate.
Where the applicant has a trade credit insurance policy, the applicant will only be eligible to apply for such part of the Eligible Debt that has not been recovered, or is not recoverable, under the applicable policy of insurance.
Part 2: Whyalla Creditor Assistance - Debts Over $5,000
In addition to eligibility criteria outlined under Part 1: South Australian Creditor Assistance, to be eligible under Part 2: Whyalla Creditor Assistance - Debts over $5,000 applicants must also:
- be a Whyalla Based Business.
- be owed an eligible debt by Designated Entities totalling $5,000 or more.
Whyalla Based Businesses that are owed eligible debts by Designated Entities totalling less than $5,000 should apply under Part 1 only and are not eligible for assistance under Part 2.