Global Expansion Program - Rd 5

This is a preview of the 1 - GEP Application Form RD 5 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Global Expansion Program

* indicates a required field.


Before completing this application, please ensure you have read the relevant grant guidelines. These are available on our website. 

For any queries regarding this form, the grant application process or about your eligibility, please email the Trade Grants Team at


This person will receive all SartyGrant
Must be an email address. 


To be eligible to apply for a grant under the Global Expansion Program, businesses (who will be known as the applicant) must meet ALL eligibility criteria and demonstrate that they fit within one of the four stages of export.


  1. Infrequent Exporter: sporadic or opportunistic export history with the ambition of achieving sustainable and ongoing international growth.

  2. New Market Entry: exporting well in existing market(s) but have clear specialised barriers to entry in new markets(s).

  3. In-Country Focus: exporters that lack in-country partnerships, expertise and knowledge.

  4. New Exporter: Business that have maximised domestic markets and are seeking to execute an international growth strategy.
Which of the following stages of export best describes the applicant? * Required
Response required.


  • The applicant must have an active South Australian registered ABN?

  • If the ABN is NOT registered in South Australia, the applicant must be able to demonstrate in their application the businesses significant operations in South Australia?

  • Is the applicant registered for GST?

  • Can the applicant demonstrate they have generated revenue in South Australia for 24 months or more?

  • Is the applicant currently exporting or considered as export ready?

  • Does the applicant have an exportable product or service for an identified market(s)?

  • Are the products or service produced primarily in South Australia* under the applicants own brand?

  • Is the applicant from one of the Departments Industry priority Sectors?

  • Has the applicant previously received funding under the Global Expansion Program?

  • Has the applicant received funding from the South Australian Government in the last 3 years? And met all reporting obligations?
Does the applicant meet all of the Eligibility Criteria listed above? * Required
You will not be able to proceed without meeting the criteria above

You are not eligible. (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Does the applicant meet all of the Eligibility Criteria listed above?" on page 1

Based on the answers in the eligibility check above, the applicant is not eligible for this grant program and therefore unable to complete the remainder of this form.

To access more support, visit Trade and Investment

You may be eligible. (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Does the applicant meet all of the Eligibility Criteria listed above?" on page 1

Please proceed with the remainder of this application. Ensure you have all the required documents and information on hand. You can save and return to the application at any time prior to the closing date.


Completing this Eligibility Check does not mean the applicant is eligible. The application will be assessed in full, and we may request further proof to confirm any of the information you have indicated in the Eligibility Check or throughout the form.